
The Scientific Method
  • The Scientific Method is the logical process for deducing the “How?” ”What?” and ”Why?” of anything and everything.
  • The Steps:
    1. Make Observations
      → Observe and collect data. What do you already know? What do you have to work with?
    2. Propose a Possible Solution
      → Form a Hypothesis: A verifiable If/Then statement. What do you think could be the cause of what you've observed?
      EXAMPLE: If the apple falls towards the earth, then it is due to some force acting on the apple.
    3. Perform an Experiment
      → Devise and perform an experiment to collect experimental data. What could possibly prove or disprove your hypothesis?
    4. Make a Conclusion AND/OR Repeat the Process!
      → Is your hypothesis correct? Was it disproven? Why?
      → If your hypothesis was disproven, never be afraid to take a few more observations and test a new hypothesis! Science is all about trial and error (and discovery)!
  1. Make Observations:
    → The sky is blue.
    → The sea is blue.
  2. Propose a Possible Solution (Hypothesis):
    → If the sky is blue, then it is reflecting the sea.
  3. Perform an Experiment:
  4. Make a Conclusion:
    → The sample of gases that mimic air did not reflect the blue of the water, so the reason for the sky being blue is not because it is reflecting the sea.
Planet Uranus